The Power of Collaborative Representation

Published on August 17, 2023
Written by, Tana Marshall

As an Agile consultant at BH Zion, I have long been a proponent of one of the 12 principles in the Agile Manifesto: "Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project." This principle emphasizes collaboration, communication, and alignment of goals between cross-functional teams for successful delivery of a product. But in today's diverse, global world, simply putting developers and business people in the same room isn't enough. Enter the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) principle of "Representation at every level."

The DEI principle underscores the need for diverse voices and perspectives in decision-making processes at every level of an organization. It means including underrepresented groups, considering all stakeholders, and creating a culture where everyone feels valued and heard. So, how do these two principles come together in the real world? 

When developers and business people of diverse backgrounds collaborate, co-create, and make decisions together, the result is a rich blend of ideas, approaches, and perspectives. This not only leads to more innovative solutions but also to products that better meet the needs of a broader user base.

Let me share a practical example. Suppose a financial institution wants to develop a new mobile app for money management and budgeting. By involving diverse stakeholders in the process, including developers, business people, end-users from different socio-economic backgrounds, gender identities, and ethnicities, the company can create a product that caters to the unique needs of each group. 

A diverse group can shed light on specific challenges, like limited internet access in some areas, different cultural views on spending, or differing needs based on gender or other identities. This invaluable input would be hard to capture in a less diverse team.

Enabling a Collaborative Culture

How do organizations cultivate this type of collaborative and inclusive environment?

The Magic of Collaborative Representation

When Agile principles meet the DEI principle of representation, we witness the transformative power of collaborative representation. It's a dynamic where diverse stakeholders bring their unique perspectives to the table and work together to co-create solutions that serve a broader audience.

As an Agile Consultant, I have witnessed firsthand the magic that occurs when diverse voices are represented and included in every step of the process. It brings a sense of belonging, encourages innovation, and ultimately leads to better, more inclusive products.

So let us strive to be more inclusive in our collaboration efforts, ensuring representation at every level and every stage. By doing so, we can harness the true power of Agile and DEI principles, paving the way for products that cater to everyone and contribute to a more equitable world.