The Hair & Hustle Chronicles: Finding Agile in My Big Chop

Published on September 27, 2023
Written by, Tana Marshall

So, ya girl did it – I took the plunge and did the *big chop* a few months ago. No, I'm not talking about a new software integration or the latest agile sprint, but about that deep, personal, and oh-so-emotional journey of cutting off my tresses. For those who've been out of the loop, this wasn’t just about a new aesthetic or channeling my inner Solange. It was more about waving goodbye to some hair casualties thanks to the notorious duo: long COVID and heat damage. Sigh. Hair today, gone tomorrow.

Now, as an agile consultant, I'm always looking for parallels in my life that resonate with the principles I teach. Funny enough, my hair journey seemed to be preaching some lessons that fit right into the agile and DEI world. So, go pour a glass of wine and let’s get into it.

Embracing Change

Just as agile teaches us to adapt and evolve in our professional space, the journey of the big chop taught me the value of embracing change. Sometimes, you have to let go of the old (even when it hurts) to make room for the new. Change might seem daunting, but it's only through evolution that we get to see our real potential. Growth, be it your hair or in your career, requires shedding some weight.

Diverse Teams are Strong Teams

My hair, like many black women, is a mix of textures – curly, coily, wavy – the whole shebang! It's a testament to the beauty of diversity. Similarly, the most innovative agile teams I've worked with are those that include a range of experiences, backgrounds, and thought processes. When we embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), we set ourselves up for richer ideas, solutions, and successes.

Continuous Feedback is Gold

Every curl, kink, and wave on my head had a story and a preference. Some parts needed more moisture, some less heat, and some just needed a good ol' pep talk! This is where continuous feedback came in. The same goes for our agile processes – regular retrospectives, consistent feedback, and adapting accordingly are the keys to growth and sustainability. Plus, ain't nobody got time for setbacks!

Empathy and Understanding Go a Long Way

When I announced my big chop, reactions varied. While some peeps were all “Yasss, sis! Slay!”, others were like, “But why?!” That’s where empathy comes in. Just as we should approach team members and clients with understanding, sometimes our personal decisions need that grace too. We’re all navigating our paths, and a little love and understanding can help smoothen those journey bumps.

Always Be Ready to Pivot

Listen, I was THAT girl who swore by length. But when life handed me the lemonade combo of heat damage and long COVID, I had to pivot. Being agile isn’t just about sprints and scrums; it’s about recognizing when you need to take a different route to get to your end goal, whether that's rocking a TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro) or changing up your product approach.

So whether we're talking hair journeys or agile processes, the principles of growth, embracing change, and championing diversity remain consistent. So here's to all my fellow professionals who find life lessons in the most unexpected places – keep rocking, keep adapting, and keep shining. 

Cheers to fresh starts, flourishing finishes... and baby fros!

P.S. Feel free to shoot us a note if you wanna chat about agile meets DEI, or the best hair care tips for this new journey. I'm all ears (and now, more head). 🤣