Sprint Sessions for the Soul: Agile Meets Heartache

Published on September 14, 2023
Written by, Tana Marshall

As we all know, the world of Agile isn’t just about software development. Nope, it’s about embracing change, being resilient, and moving forward. As a single, professional woman deep in the Agile waters (and slightly deep in my feelings), I've recently discovered that these principles can patch up more than just product development cycles.

Let me break it down. Your girl has been involved with someone for a bit. And yes, sigh, the universe hit pause on our love story. As I navigated the choppy waters of heartbreak, it dawned on me: could the Agile mindset, sprinkled with some DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) goodness, mend a shattered heart?

Embracing Change: Pivot like it's a new sprint 

In Agile, we adapt to change. Love, not so different, right? Things evolve, emotions change, and sometimes, the stories we had in mind don’t align with reality. When heartbreak comes knocking, rather than dwelling on what went south, take a step back, assess, and pivot. Think of it as starting a new sprint, with a fresh backlog and a heart open to possibilities.

Daily Stand-ups: Check in with yourself 

Every morning, Agile teams gather for a brief stand-up. Now imagine, just for a sec, if we did that with our feelings? A daily emotional check-in. "How am I feeling today?" "What’s weighing me down?" "What do I need to move forward?" By consistently tuning into our emotions, we can identify what needs healing and address it. Plus, it's a legit self-care flex!

DEI and Acceptance: Your emotions are valid 

One of the treasures of DEI is validating and valuing unique experiences. Heartbreak, no cap, can be messy. It's a whirlwind of emotions - anger, sadness, confusion. But remember: each emotion is valid. Just as in a diverse team where every voice matters, in the team of "You," every emotion deserves to be heard. Own it. Embrace it.

Retrospectives: Reflect and grow

After each sprint, Agile teams have a retrospective. A time to reflect on what went well and where there’s room for improvement. After a heartbreak, take time to reflect. What did you learn? What would you do differently? Growth, sis (or brother), either way, it’s the name of the game.

Collaboration: Lean on your tribe 

Just as Agile teams collaborate to find solutions, lean into your tribe when heartbroken. Talk, vent, cry, or just share some memes. Let your squad lift you up when things get tough. That's it - just lean in.

So yeah...

In the mix of Sprints, Kanban, and Scrum, I found solace and a way to navigate through the tight corners of heartbreak. Blending Agile with DEI not only enriched my professional journey but also threw me a lifeline when things got mad real in the love department.

Our hearts, much like our products, go through highs and lows. But with an agile mindset, a dash of DEI, and a whole lot of love for oneself, we got this. Here's to healing, growth, and new beginnings. Cheers!

P.S. Remember, just like a product backlog, there's always room for more love stories in our life's narrative. Don't let one incomplete user story stop you from scripting love's masterpiece.